
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's a shame - Why must a foreigner face such a situation?

Your Right To Know
Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We note with dismay that a German citizen, an architect by training, on an official visit to the country was on her way back to the capital city when her car was attacked. The fact that her vehicle was vandalized by the protesters goes to illustrate a departure from the standard practice of keeping foreigners out of harm's way. These people are here as guests and need to be shown the hospitality that is synonymous with Bengali culture.
True that the German consulate here has sent a letter of protest to Begum Khaleda Zia, and we sincerely hope the leader of the opposition will do everything in her power to make this the last incident. Ms. Heringer managed to get out of the car and leave the scene unscathed while her driver was not so lucky. But then one should remember that this attack is the second of its kind in so many days. Only the other day, an American embassy vehicle was vandalized and put on fire, for which Jamaat apologized.
Whatever may be the nature of the anti-government programme by the opposition parties, we have to observe the sanctity of foreigners and see to it that our political violence does not spillover to embroil them. For once the deed is done, no amount of apology will undo what has been done. The last thing this country needs is to be portrayed by our foreign friends as a nation where little or no rule of law exists. We are better than that. We have to see to it that our political programmes do not in any way affect them.
We have to shun recurrence of such incidents lest they affect investment in the country.

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