
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Quotas for Harijans at education instts sought

A total of 133 meritorious students from Harijan families, who passed the SSC 
and HSC examinations this year, were accorded reception at Jatiya Press Club 
in the capital yesterday. Bangladesh Harijan Oikya Parishad and FAIR, a local NGO,
 in association with Manusher Jonno Foundation, hosted the programme. Photo:

Your Right To Know
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Speakers at a programme yesterday urged the government to preserve quotas at all government educational institutions for students from the underprivileged and discriminated Harijan community.
The Harijan children are being deprived of their rights to education, as they are not easily allowed in educational institutions, they told a reception ceremony hosted for the community's 133 meritorious students who passed the SSC and HSC examinations this year.
Bangladesh Harijan Oikya Parishad and FAIR, a local NGO, in association with Manusher Jonno Foundation, organised the event at the capital's Jatiya Press Club.
Rashed Khan Menon, chief of the parliamentary body on the education ministry, said he would encourage the education ministry to introduce a quota system for the community's students at all educational institutions.
He said the government had taken some initiatives to improve life in the community, but they were not getting the benefits due to flawed implementation.
Menon welcomed Dhaka University authorities' decision to preserve one percent of the seats as quota for Harijan students.
Dr Shamsul Bari, chairman, Research Initiatives Bangladesh, said there was no way to eliminate discriminations against Harijans until their children got educated.
The society has a responsibility to create opportunity for these meritorious children so that they could contribute to their community as well as to the country, said Aroma Dutta, member of National Human Rights Commission.

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