
Monday, September 19, 2011

Buddhist Space

Bouddha Purnima
        The Buddhist religious observance day are call as Buddha (Bouddha) Purnima Din or Buddhist full moon days. The word Purnima is came from Sanskrit and Pali. The Bangladesh Buddhist People used the lunar calendar. The month is dividing into two, Such as Ashthami and Navami. Ashthami means moonless day and Navami means full moon day. The Bangladesh Buddhist Monks are practising Meditation, confessing ritual each other and reciting the (Bhikkhu Patimokkha) code of discipline of the Monks as well as preching the Dharma to their devotees. Lay Peoples are visiting to temples for observing the Eight Precepts or Ten Lay Precepts, reciting the praised of Buddha, listening to the Dharma Deshana (talks), Dharma discussion, practising the Buddhist Meditation and offering foods to the Buddha and Sangha or Monks on these days. Some of the observance lay devotees are protecting the precepts until following day. They all doing all those things with humbly and respectively according to their timetable. Devotees who likes or determine to observe the Eight Precepts, they should have to wake up early, take bathe and wear the clean white cloths then go to their village or nearest Temples or Monasteries. Assembled Devotees take the eight precepts under administration of those Monasteries' Abbots. After that they may spend the day on their timetable. The full timetables include with take precepts and preach dharma talks of consequent of the observance precepts, other dharma talks according to different topics, Buddha Pujas, periods of meditating etc. End of the day the day the lay devotees singthe song Buddha Kirton. The kirton is a kind of praised on the Buddha (Guna) features. They (Bangladeshi Buddhist Peoples) do it culturally and traditionally carrying on since ancient part of India.
        The precepts can observe by the devotees on every day. But especially they do it in the Bouddha Purnima day. the Barua Buddhists Buddhist believe that the observing precepts are a kind of ritualistic practice and it is amoral discipline in their day today life. They practice it for advance achievement of the path of liberation. Bangladesh Barua Buddhist continued these tradition and culture as age as Buddhism came into existence.
        Now in Bangladesh the remote area Barua Buddhists people continued every religious significant. But in the city area Buddhists peoples can not continue it properly. The main fact is more holidays. In Bangladesh Buddhists peoples can enjoy only one Buddhist holiday. The Buddha Purnima or Baisakhi Purnima is the government holiday. It's the great holiday for all over the world. As well as it's the festival and solemn festival for the Buddhists. The Prince Siddartha Goutama was born in this Baisakh Day. The devotees celebrated this day because the birth of the Buddha, his renunciation of ascetic and supreme enlightening or having nirvana. All these occurred on this full moon day. As a result of this that's the most important (day) festival of the Buddhist Peoples. The Baisakhi or Bouddha Purnima celebrate in Bangladesh with great splendour.

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